Swedfund's value creation model
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With a focus on value creation
Swedfund’s value creation process has been developed on 40 years of experience of investing in sustainable businesses in the world's most challenging countries and it describes how we best fulfill our mission. We will accomplish the mission by investing in and developing sustainable companies and generating development results and inclusive growth, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and certain regions of Asia. Social, environmental and financial aspects permeate and govern our work and based on these three pillars we create value and measure development results.
- Our overarching mission is to fight poverty by investing in sustainable businesses. Our approach is based on Agenda 2030 and our mission objectives, and defines our strategy for fulfilling our mission in our business plan.
- Our business plan describes our priorities and activities in order to achieve our mission:
Geography, Sector, Investment instrument - In our business plan, we have identified three sectors within which we believe we have the best opportunity to generate development effects.
Energy & Climate, Financial institutions and Funds, Health - Our business model is based on three pillars which permeate the entire investment cycle. These pillars help us to evaluate investments, create value and generate long-term development effects:
Impact on society, Sustainability, Financial viability - Our capital is linked to conditions and support in the form of:
Expertise, Risk management, Financial capital and TA funds, Partners and networks - We measure development results through our indicators which are based on our mission objectives and strategic sustainability goals.
Read more in our Integrated Report 2018, With a Focus on Humanity, and our webpage, swedfund.se/en