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Topics: Industry, manufacturing

Swedfund supports local food processing and smallholder farmers in Africa

Swedfund supports local food processing and smallholder farmers in Africa

Swedfund supports increased local processing capacity in African through a working capital loan of up to USD 15 million to Robust International (Robust). The loan will enable Robust to source local commodities to new processing facilities and thereby spur job creation, economic growth and trade.

Mary Muhando is working at Jacaranda Maternity in Nairobi, Kenya.

​Swedfund invests in maternal care in East Africa

According to WHO, more than 300 000 women died in 2015 from pregnancy related causes. Two thirds of these deaths occurred in Sub Saharan Africa. Some of the gaps leading to poor outcomes are delays in seeking care, delays in action or inadequate care by providers. Gaps that Jacaranda Maternity addresses through its maternal care model.

​Swedfund commits 15 MUSD to renewable energy in Africa

​Swedfund commits 15 MUSD to renewable energy in Africa

Swedfund commits 15 million dollars to Metier Sustainable Capital II, a fund focused on renewable energy in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to investments in renewable energy, the fund will also invest in projects for resource efficiency in areas such as water and waste management.

​Swedfund supports inclusive growth in Sri Lanka

​Swedfund supports inclusive growth in Sri Lanka

LOLC Group subsidiary and LOFC (LOLC Finance PLC) has signed an agreement with Swedfund, to receive a total of 10 million dollars in a Senior Loan. LOFC is a leading financial institution in Sri Lanka that enables financial inclusion, an increased tax base and job creation. For Swedfund these are important tools to reduce poverty and support democratic development.

Swedfund strengthens the support of African companies through investment in African Development Partners III

Swedfund strengthens the support of African companies through investment in African Development Partners III

Sweden's development financial institution Swedfund has invested 15 million dollars in the African Development Partners III fund. With this investment, Swedfund sees an opportunity to continue to contribute to the sustainable development and growth of more companies in Africa. The Fund exercises active ownership with a clear focus on ESG issues such as business ethics and anti-corruption.

Swedfund selected to the UN PRI Leaders’ Group 2019

Swedfund selected to the UN PRI Leaders’ Group 2019

For the first time The UN PRI has launched a Leaders’ Group to highlight leading practices in Responsible Investing. Together with 47 other institutional investors, Swedfund has been selected amongst more than 2,300 signatories.

Swedfund invests in healthcare through Quadria Capital Fund

Swedfund invests in healthcare through Quadria Capital Fund

Today, 7 out of every 10 new hospital beds in Asia, are built by the private sector. With an investment of USD 15 million in Quadria Capital Fund II, Swedfund will reach the healthcare sector in South and South East Asia, through investments in areas such as healthcare services, pharma and laboratory businesses in countries like India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

All SDGs are relevant to us as a company and to the investments that we make in order to create sustainable businesses. At the same time, some of the goals are more prominent than others in our business.

A strategic business plan

Swedfund’s mission is to invest in countries which, according to the OECD/DAC’s definition, are eligible for development finance. We prioritise investments in the least developed countries, while geographically we focus on sub-Saharan Africa and certain regions of Asia.

Swedfund invests in Equity Bank Kenya

Swedfund invests in Equity Bank Kenya

​Swedfund provides a USD 15 million long-term subordinated loan to Equity Bank Kenya, a leading Kenyan commercial bank with strong focus on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). By supporting Equity Bank, Swedfund will contribute to private sector development, job creation, and responsible lending practices.

Swedfund's value creation model

With a focus on value creation

Swedfund’s value creation process has been developed on 40 years of experience of investing in sustainable businesses in the world's most challenging countries and describes how we best fulfill our mission.

Photo cred: Scatec Solar

Swedfund invests in transition towards renewable energy

​Sweden’s development finance institution, Swedfund is focused on supporting the transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy. Swedfund has signed a loan agreement for 10 million euros to be part of the financing together with EBRD, NEFCO and Scatec Solar ASA to construct and operate a 55.4 MWp solar power plant located in Central Ukraine.

Sustainable development results with high ambitions

Sustainable development results with high ambitions

​Today, private sector is driving the development of Africa's economy by creating four out of five jobs and bringing together 33 per cent of Africa's GDP. For 40 years, Swedfund’s mission has been to fight poverty by investing in sustainable businesses in the world's most challenging countries. Job creation has always been the core of our work.

 Swedfund supports SMEs in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania

Swedfund supports SMEs in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania

The Swedish Development Finance Institution, Swedfund, lends 10 million EUR to Premier, a financial institution providing credit to private individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs, in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

Swedfund Finances Off-Grid Solar Solutions Provider in Africa

Swedfund Finances Off-Grid Solar Solutions Provider in Africa

Swedfund is financing the solar provider d.light for continued expansion in Africa. In total, d.light raise US$41 million in from a consortium of several financiers led by Inspired Evolution. Consortium partners include Swedfund as well as the Norwegian and Dutch development finance institutions, Norfund and FMO.

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